LLP "Scientific Research International Institute of Postgraduate Education" (SRIIPE) implements continuing education programs in accordance with the amendments and additions to the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 165 dated April 14, 2017, "On the Approval of Standard Programs for Advanced Training and Retraining of Medical and Pharmaceutical Personnel," as well as the Order of the Acting Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 647 dated July 31, 2015, "On the Approval of State Compulsory Standards and Standard Professional Educational Programs for Medical and Pharmaceutical Specialties."
Fill out the form to submit your application
List of Documents Required for Enrollment in Advanced Training Courses:
Copy of the higher education diploma
Copy of the internship completion certificate (if available)
Copy of the document confirming advanced training completed in the last 5 years (if available)
Copy of the specialist certificate (if available)
Extract from the organization's order directing the applicant for training based on a referral